Specializing in HVAC-R, Coral Environments is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees.
We implement a comprehensive health and safety program that meets the requirements of the Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia and Alberta, and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.
It is our policy to provide first quality service to clients while taking all necessary steps to prevent injury to our employees, employees of other companies, our customer, the public, and to prevent damage to all property.
We believe accident prevention and efficient production can go hand in hand and accordingly, we insist on a dedicated participation in the program requirements.
We have worked and obtained certification in ISNet world, COR, PetroCanada “POST” Training, WHMIS and TDG to further our commitment to our health and safety policies.
At Coral Environments safety comes first and we maintain and enforce our programs which is an integral part of Coral's overall vision and commitment to our staff and customers.